So if you are in Linux, your dot wine folder is at "/home/[user name]/.wine" . If you are in Mac, your dot wine folder is at "/Users/[user name]/.wine" . Open your file browser, whether it be Nautilus or Finder or whatever. Navigate to your user folder. If in Nautilus, do a Ctrl + h to make hidden files and folders shown. If in Finder in Mac OS X, then you got to go into terminal and enter this: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES and then this: killall Finder Make sure you've backed up what needs to be backed up. Then you can see the dot wine folder and delete it. Then it might be a good idea to uninstall and reinstall WINE, because I don't know if the fonts and winetricks are stored elsewhere. According to Batrams, you have to install them in a certain order.