Hi all, i'm pretty new on linux and definitly new on wine, though i got to install MS Office (you'll see why below) using the tuturial on the french hubuntu official website (yes i'm french..) Right, so the installation went well, first start was a bit odd but now excel and word start well i installed it cause i work (at work) on windows 7 with Office 2007, and do some macros using VBA. Only way for me to open such files on linux was to install MS Office as OOo wouldn't do my marco. So here I come, with a macro which seems to work 'til i get to the "userform" which my macro calls up... the error message says : "erreur de compilation - mémoire inssufisante" in english : "compilation error - not enough memory". Been looking for ages and can't find any topic on this. Can anyone help? Big merci .