WELL. What an interesting time. I went to a windows 7 machine, and tried it. Didn't work (same install issues). So I checked the md5sum, by extracting three ISOs and found that one was incorrect with the other two. So I got one of the correct iso files and accidentally mounted it with archive. Interestingly enough, archive doesn't even launch the auto-run. So I go back into Fuse, but instead of using Fuse to mount it, I use loop....which means I needed root password. So it mounts, but everything is read-only. :D I believe I had an error with read/write issues somewhere in there.... and lo and behold! Ran auto-play, and it was even able to launch directX part! So I proceeded with installation, and not a single error. Game is now installed and running perfectly. What didn't work on windows 7....well, it worked through ubuntu. Makes me happy. Anyways guys, thanks for the comments!