Hello wine gurus, I just installed wine yesterday and have been playing around with it, reading FAQs and posts to try to solve a problem I am having with color correction with a particular application: Photomatix Pro 4.0.2 (32-bit) trial. It seems to ignore any color profiling I have setup for my machine (Ubuntu 10.10 amd64, wine-1.3.17) and renders the software pretty useless when trying to tweak HDR images. There are a few other problems, but I'll reserve those for the AppDB, I'm posting to ask if this particular application ignores color profiling, or if all Wine apps ignore color correction (or maybe it is just the particular version I have installed?). I have a virtualbox machine running windows and the color looks exactly the same as in my Linux environment, but the Wine version of the software look completely incorrect with regards to color. Is there a config/application to control color profiling with Wine that I need to install? Any help is much appreciated, I will include some specifics below, thanks! wine-1.3.17 Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 10.10 Release: 10.10 Codename: maverick software: photomatix pro trial 4.0.2 (32-bit) (http://photomatix-dl2.s3.amazonaws.com/PhotomatixPro402x32.exe) -info on color profiles with photomatix (http://www.hdrsoft.com/support/faq_photomatix.html#profile) -hdrsoft directions for installing photomatix on linux (http://www.hdrsoft.com/support/linux.html) winetricks apps list-installed: -corefonts -dotnet20 -gdiplus -gecko120 -mfc42 -vcrun6sp6 -vcrun6 wine PhotomatixPro.exe &> /tmp/log.txt 2>&1 (with TranslateMouseMove removed) fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x79fd471e, 0x1298b0, {e13c0d23-ccbc-4e12-931b-d9cc2eee27e4}, 9, 0x7a390368, (null), (null), 0x7a38d250,) fixme:sync:CreateMemoryResourceNotification (0) stub fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Windows.Forms" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Drawing" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixMisc" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixImaging" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixMisc.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixMisc.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32ceb8,0x00000000), stub! fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixControls" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" PhotomatixProcessingServer PhotomatixProcServer8 fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixControls.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixControls.resources" fixme:dciman:DCICreatePrimary 0x5ec 0x3ae12ac fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixControls.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixControls.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixControls.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixControls.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" InvokeRequired=True InvokeRequired=False fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"PhotomatixPro.resources" DispImage: imageDrawRect: Width=1280 Height=985 dstWidth=1280 dstHeight=851 New top-left=(0,67) DispImage: imageDrawRect: Width=1280 Height=985 dstWidth=1280 dstHeight=851 New top-left=(0,67) bm=5760,bf=11692,spp=3