Running IMVU through Wine

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Just switched to Ubuntu 2 days ago and trying to get the hang of Wine. I'm trying to run the IMVU client through it, but all that happens is that the login screen will come up and let me log in, but after that I get an IMVU icon in the upper right but no client to use. When running the command to execute IMVU through the terminal, I get the following:


env WINEPREFIX="/home/anonymoose/.wine" wine C:\\users\\anonymoose\\Application\ Data\\IMVUClient\\IMVUQualityAgent.exe
doing a client run
env var IMVU_QA_PROGRAM is not set
client command line: ''
CompareChecksum module path: 
  matching 1VivoxVoice.exe 142237650
  matching audiere.dll 1048031036
  matching boost_python.dll 1623950220
  matching bz2.pyd 801371632
  matching cal3d.dll 1275788176
  matching CallStack.dll 944091959
  matching Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.pyd 1169572990
  matching dbghelp.dll 891392089
  matching devicefingerprint.pyd 413415363
  matching freebl3.dll 1579097943
  matching GeckoBin\chrome\classic.jar 1857488572
  matching GeckoBin\chrome\comm.jar 3431832625
  matching GeckoBin\chrome\en-US.jar 1230488274
  matching GeckoBin\chrome\pippki.jar 2629262434
  matching GeckoBin\chrome\toolkit.jar 426999850
  matching glRenderEngine.dll 334070163
  matching IMVUClient.exe 2788970562
  matching IMVUD3D11.dll 2567025618
  matching IMVUQualityAgent.exe 848502198
  matching IMVUupdater.exe 1598037199
  matching js3250.dll 512353334
  matching libeay32.dll 1027002819
  matching 913701767
  matching libsndfile-1.dll 333382038
  matching MemoryHook.dll 3358037825
  matching mozctl.dll 1735073185
  matching mozctlx.dll 1283056952
  matching msvcp100.dll 1199568884
  matching msvcp90.dll 2285584434
  matching msvcr100.dll 594004205
  matching msvcr90.dll 2176198774
  matching npvivoxvoiceplugin.dll 3220276455
  matching nspr4.dll 2958784859
  matching nss3.dll 3744486448
  matching nssckbi.dll 451929926
  matching nssdbm3.dll 1749316742
  matching nssutil3.dll 2184243511
  matching ortp.dll 1472645044
  matching ParticleLib.dll 1278438616
  matching pixomatic.dll 881351703
  matching plc4.dll 871120365
  matching plds4.dll 3686757717
  matching pyexpat.pyd 2313338008
  matching pylzma.pyd 3948604230
  matching python26.dll 3136023497
  matching pythoncom26.dll 3360607743
  matching pywintypes26.dll 1484148366
  matching SceneWindow.dll 508072895
  matching select.pyd 3083287303
  matching smime3.dll 3314757161
  matching softokn3.dll 554100657
  matching sqlite3.dll 1317714456
  matching ssl3.dll 2357578325
  matching ssleay32.dll 3930216448
  matching ui\chrome\imvuContent.jar 3526915244
  matching ui\plugins\nphwndproxy.dll 2694814399
  matching ui\plugins\NPSWF32.dll 1669894238
  matching ui\plugins\npvivoxproxy.dll 3548480112
  matching unicodedata.pyd 2919456128
  matching vivoxoal.dll 1476492996
  matching vivoxsdk.dll 3459001953
  matching w9xpopen.exe 3061144014
  matching win32api.pyd 284595586
  matching win32clipboard.pyd 996696126
  matching 1549576126
  matching win32event.pyd 2338315269
  matching win32evtlog.pyd 1802879269
  matching win32file.pyd 3917936458
  matching win32gui.pyd 3852439088
  matching win32pipe.pyd 991184446
  matching win32process.pyd 592844852
  matching WriteMiniDump.exe 3671631092
  matching xpcom.dll 2907611933
  matching xul.dll 442377583
  matching _audiere.pyd 2372527203
  matching _avatarwindow.pyd 928522506
  matching _cal3d.pyd 1539050085
  matching _ctypes.pyd 4113266379
  matching _hashlib.pyd 2888869518
  matching _imaging.pyd 1415766326
  matching _socket.pyd 1308984128
  matching _sqlite3.pyd 3119028100
  matching _ssl.pyd 3022635762
  matching _win32sysloader.pyd 2935242627
Number of files compared: 84
Passed comparing checksum
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x33d02c
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 0 0x33c80c 4
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x1b61000 0 0x33c80c 4
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x40f000 0 0x33c80c 4
start: csid:0, cid:0
GET /catalog/imvu_monitor_submit.php?cid=0&csid=0&event=monitor_clean&extra= HTTP/1.0

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