Okay, hmm. Well that's good to know. I don't think I've fully wrapped my head around what you're saying but I can grasp that it means I can't do what I was thinking of doing. I looked in to wineskin but I don't think I really understand it, it seems as I understand it to wrap files in to mac readable files that can be executed by standard mac os means, like a double click and achieves this by wrapping all necessary libraries and resources in to a single package along with the file itself. While I can certainly see how this would be helpful if I was distributing files or if I wanted to download them from somewhere delivered in this state already but I simply want a non CLI means of navigating windows files and programs that I already have and executing them via wine which will already be installed on my Mac. I may have misinterpreted how these wrapper/skin things work, if I'm correct though, well it'll be easier just to use CLI than to wrap each and every windows program I download in a wineskin. Sorry for the vagary but I'm pretty new to this. It's not my first experience with wine, I ran it on ubuntu on my netbook so I could use utorrent (my favourite torrent program) but I have to say it certainly seems to be a lot harder to install AND use here on a mac. This surprises me. Still glad it's there at least.