32-bit SolidWorks 2011 fails on installation right after intaller has writed prerequired keys to registry and starts copying new files to disk. None of the files does not appear on the wine program files. However as posted earlier doing a copy from real windows installation and starting up the swspmanager.exe it can be used and it fixes the broken installation. Use 32-bit wine if you need dotnet-based add-ins etc, if you do not need those you can use also the wow64-setup of wine. Also installing instructions in otherways are similar as in appdb for SW2010. 64-bit installer in wow64-setup does copy the files to disk but fails on "publishing product information" = when it tries to register some assemblies to gac64. 64-bit version does not fix itself as the swspmanager fails to run because of assembly and typelib registration failure. Also with 64-bit installer there is some bug with registry writing. There is one dword that installer tries to write with value: 0000000000000000000001 and most likely it should be with much less zeros -> causes wine exception as the value can not be written to registry because it is not supported. Hope this helps someone who using trying to run SW2011 on wine.