Hi! All.. I released version 0.2 of the wine's faces. These are the most important changes: - Automatic search version of wine if not have a default - Several improvements in window creation of menu items for environment, for. exe does not have. lnk, i.e. winemenubuilder not generate menu item for this .exe. - Inclusion of dependence on stable wine distribution (Kubuntu and *ubuntu) for installing wine's faces - Creation of specific functions to deal with configuration files - Automatic download of last winetricks from http://winetricks.org/winetricks - Execution of winetricks with the version of wine chosen for the environment - Correction a lot of bugs TODO: - Create package .deb - Usage environments wine shared with other users (with the wineuser) along with user environments (in the user's home). Download from https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B-AgVnp2ob-BYzZlZWY5OGUtY2Q5NS00NTk4LWFjMmItZTM4YWUzN2NiYWVi&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 Video with changes in wine menu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsAjpR_XVxQ Now, link is correct : ) DanKegel I would like to clarify details about security in the wine's faces about what you said, in another e-mail (...) Also, the multiuser wineprefix stuff probably isn't safe. (...) For multi-user mode I used in the wine's faces as follows: - user to run and install programs (that run under wine) usually call wineuser. This user has a home directory in the following structure: / home / wineuser / winesfaces / environment 1 environment 2 environment 3 winesfaces scripts winetricks script - to run a program already installed on environments for example do the following: > Execute winecfg kdesudo -u wineuser -c "env WINEPREFIX='/home/wineuser/winesfaces/environment 1' /usr/local/wine/1.3.14/bin/wine winecfg" > Execute winetricks kdesudo -u wineuser -c "env WINEPREFIX='/home/wineuser/winesfaces/environment 3' PATH='/usr/local/wine/1.3.14/bin/:(other paths)' /home/wineuser/winesfaces/winetricks" > Execute WinRAR kdesudo -u wineuser -c "env WINEPREFIX="/home/wineuser/winesfaces/environment 4" /usr/local/wine/1.2.2/bin/wine "C:\windows\command\start.exe" "/Unix" "/home/wineuser/winesfaces/environment 4/dosdevices/c:/users/Public/Menu Iniciar/Programas/WinRAR/WinRAR.lnk"" > use 'sudo' to run the programs with wineuser. Sudo was previously configured to do so only the group of wine users has access to wineuser (this configuration is done automatically by Wine's Faces). This a structure of sudo, I simply use it. I think that sudo is safe. My first idea was to share the installation of a program with multiple users on the same desktop. > the use of sudo have a nasty effect directly: only save documents in msoffice, for example, at home wineuser. After that, I have to copy the file to my home, on the other hand my home is not affected by the programs that run on wine. Therefore thought to have instaled programs in environment for my user and the wineuser at the same time (TODO item). > in case of Need For Speed ââworks well because the savings could be at home wineuser