It is me again. Please forget my last two posts. My first intuition was right and now that I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 on another computer I know it for sure. So, now I am running Wine 1.2 on this Ubuntu Hardy and I have just finished installing Winisis, which runs perfectly, that is, I only see the program`s window and I can swiftly switch between applications. The next thing was to find out if this second Wine was using Winevdm or not. So I went to the command line and typed: ps ax grep winevdm... and there it was! So, as I said at the beginning, it is not a question of .dlls or of 16-bit or 32-bit applications. It is a question of the Ubuntu version, I am afraid, for the difference between the two Wines - the one running on 8.04 - 1.2 - and the one on 10.04 -1.2.2 - - is not to be considered. I think. Any hints, please?