Hi All, I am trying to run Borderlands (installed via Steam, but I am running the executable directly), and during the initial loading screen I keep getting a a message window that says "General Protection Fault!" and has the following information: Code: History: Address = 0x6987 (filename not found) Address = 0x694356f2 (filename not found [in C:\windows\system32\winealsa.drv] Address = 0x694356f2 (filename not found [in C:\windows\system32\winealsa.drv] Address = 0x68bb704f (filename not found [in C:\windows\system32\dsound.dll] DSOUND_PrimaryCreate() Address = 0x68bb778b (filename not found) [in C:\windows\system32\dsound.dll] DirectSoundDevice_Initialize() Address = 0x68ba950c (filename not found) [in C:\windows\system32\dsound.dll] Address = 0x68ba995b (filename not found [in C:\windows\system32\dsound.dll] DirectSoundCreate8() Address = 0x68ba7f02 (filename not found) [in C:\windows\system32\dsound.dll] Address = 0x42ec527 (filename not found) [in C:\Program FIles\Steam\steamapps\common\borderlands\Binaries\fmodex.dll] Address = 0x39dd0f4 (filename not found) The three files it complains about: winealsa.drv, dsound.dll and fmodex.dll all exist in their respective directories. If I run the game with the -nosound flag, it runs fine but without sound; if I change Wine to use OSS drivers instead the game also runs fine, but again without sound. I also tried running "aoss wine ./Borderlands.exe" with OSS checked in winecfg to use the alsa-oss drivers, and still it runs with no sound. Other games like Sims 3 run fine, with sound, using the ALSA drivers; it is only Borderlands that complains that it cannot see these files. I tried changing the permissions on these files so that anyone can read, write or execute them, but I still get the same fault, as if the files are not there. I did some searching but did not come up with any other posts on this particular issue. Does anyone have any ideas? -TennSeven