pieterparker17 people like you annoy the hell out me. If you had said what you were trying to operate I could have point you to the correct solution. http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/man/man8/fxload.8.html I guess this is what you are after. Cypress does form of generic user-space support for ez usb sx2 to dump firmware into them. So then make them take up a job of a particular device. So most likely you will be wanting some of the notes here as well. http://www.linux-usb.org/ezusb/ Particular SDCC compiler to build the firmware packages. Then for your own interface between your firmware and application http://www.libusb.org from userspace but running with privilage. Yes no need to use wine at all to work with a ez usb sx2 cypress device. pieterparker17 please in future don't presume devices like ez usb sx2 and the like don't already have native Linux support.