PlayOnLinux wasn't as great as I thought it would be. I eventually trashed it and went back to compiling wine via source. I don't like apt-get(ting) it - seems so messy. Anyways I think I have a better grip on WINEPREFIX and installing wine from source in general. I have a .wine directory with wineprefix/ and WineVersions/ .. I've been installing each version (so far 1.3.8, 1.3.11, and 1.2.1) into WineVersions/ and creating a new prefix for each game I install in wineprefix/ For example the one game I have working at the moment is World of Warcraft using wine-1.2.1 .. The bash script I use to run it is: #! /bin/bash WINEPREFIX=/home/weebz/.wine/wineprefix/WoW /home/weebz/.wine/WineVersions/1.2.1/bin/wine /home/weebz/.wine/wineprefix/WoW/drive_c/Program\ Files/World\ of\ Warcraft/Wow.exe -opengl Is this okay or should I do something else? Oh and for some reason Steam is giving me a major headache with any version of wine.. >.< so lame