vitamin wrote: > > truell wrote: > > But then the question would be: how do I add the title bar to all the other Windows applications that I'm running simultaneously? > > Set that setting for winamp only (add it on first page of winecfg, select it, then uncheck "allow wm to decorate..." option). Or install winamp into a separate prefix. > > I'd still suggest you use xmms2/qmmp if you like winamp-like interface. Native programs will always run better. Hey vitamin, thank you, it works! ... (and I've learned to customize Wine for the different applications - cool!) I don't know if you are collecting features / bug reports ... the skin I love most has some transparent areas in the background (this is one of the very few that makes use of the alpha channel) - in windows the transparency works for sure - in Wine/Linux you can see the dummy color instead. That is not an issue to me, I can live without the transparency - just want to tell you that. Maybe Winamp is using a hack to get the transparency (maybe they readout the background bitmap and copy the areas into their window ... I don't know, since this transparency effect even worked in Windows 95 - but Windows 95 didn't support that, I believe). Regards, Andreas