I have managed to get the Launcher a bit further than 'stuck at the SOE logo'. First off, check you Internet Explorer is working correctly (wine iexplore.exe) by navigating to http://launch.soe.com/lp3/index.html?game=dcuo-live&skin=dcuo. I now get a Flash object that states 'There was a problem determing the game information'. At first, I didn't get anything and it turned out I had a non-functioning IE install. Next, install Flash (using winetricks). Third, open Launchpad-user.ini and add "curtain=disable" (without the quotes). Last, start Launchpad.exe. I get the same message as when navigating to the link above. It appears that Flash (or ActiveX) cannot detect the game. I am using the Steam version btw, but not using Steam to launch.