Re: Problem with Windows app accessing internet

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On 1/6/11 12:50 PM, Charlie-the-exile wrote:

I have been using MCC Pilotlog with some success in Wine recently, but have run into a vexatious issue.

One of the features of the application is that it can log into a company crew information system and retrieve flight information into the log.  I have tested this on a windows VM, and it works fine.

However, under Wine, we get error 445 and then a crash. I am a bit surprised, as I thought that the IE-mimicking facilities in Wine would be able to cope.

I've contacted the MCC developers about the issue, and they cannot throw too much light on the subject, but suggest that this is a code chink that may be causing the problem:

For Each HTMLi In WebBr.Document.getElementsByName("Id")
     HTMLi.Value = TxtLoginName

For Each HTMLi In WebBr.Document.getElementsByName("Pass")
     HTMLi.Value = TxtPassword

For Each HTMLi In WebBr.Document.getElementsByName("B1")
     Exit For

Here's some terminal output copied at the relevant time:

fixme:ole:OleIconToCursor (0x400000,0x60072), partially implemented.
fixme:shdocvw:navigate_url Unsupported args (Flags 0x111b4d30:10; TargetFrameName 0x111b4d40:10)
fixme:urlmon:URLMoniker_BindToObject use running object table
fixme:shdocvw:BindStatusCallback_OnProgress status code 1
fixme:shdocvw:BindStatusCallback_OnProgress status code 2
fixme:shdocvw:BindStatusCallback_OnProgress status code 11
fixme:wininet:set_cookie persistent cookies not handled (L"expires=Sat, 08 Jan 2011 01:42:15 GMT")
fixme:wininet:set_cookie persistent cookies not handled (L"expires=Sat, 08 Jan 2011 01:42:15 GMT")
fixme:shdocvw:BindStatusCallback_OnProgress status code 14
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unsupported WS_IOCTL cmd (_WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 300))
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unsupported WS_IOCTL cmd (_WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 300))
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x884e914, overlapped 0x884e918): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus (0x111b17b0)->((null) 1 0x33d3c0 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus command_0: 27, 0x0
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:mshtml:on_change_dlcontrol unsupported dlcontrol 0033d36c
fixme:mshtml:OleControl_OnAmbientPropertyChange not supported AMBIENT_USERAGENT
fixme:mshtml:OleControl_OnAmbientPropertyChange not supported AMBIENT_PALETTE
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented group {000214d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetAsciiHost Use Uri_PUNYCODE_IDN_HOST flag
fixme:mshtml:nsHttpChannelInternal_SetDocumentURI (0x1166b190)->()
fixme:shdocvw:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x111b17b0)->(0x33d390)
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented group {000214d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
There are many bug reports with this exact GUID in them. Time to file an additional report.
BTW, this is used for to show a possible certificate to site mismatch 
dialog box.
James McKenzie

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