To me, it's not working, and I guess it's due to my using a different wine version or not having the correct settings. I don't know if these can help in finding an answer.. --- nicolo@studio:~$ winedump -j import /home/nicolo/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/RA2/wsock32.dll Contents of /home/nicolo/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/RA2/wsock32.dll: 49664 bytes Import Table size: 0000003c offset 0000859c WS2_32.dll Hint/Name Table: 000096C4 TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970) ForwarderChain: 00000000 First thunk RVA: 000080EC Ordn Name 40 WSAEnumProtocolsA 9710 115 <by ordinal> 70 WSARecvFrom 9702 21 <by ordinal> 2 <by ordinal> 7 <by ordinal> 82 WSASocketA 96f4 76 WSASendTo 96e8 offset 000085b0 KERNEL32.dll Hint/Name Table: 000095D8 TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970) ForwarderChain: 00000000 First thunk RVA: 00008000 Ordn Name 614 GetTickCount 9960 678 HeapSize 9b60 739 LCMapStringW 9b50 737 LCMapStringA 9b40 576 GetStringTypeW 9b2e 500 GetModuleFileNameA 9730 429 GetCurrentThreadId 9754 367 GetCommandLineA 976a 505 GetModuleHandleW 977c 544 GetProcAddress 9790 1076 TlsGetValue 97a2 1074 TlsAlloc 97b0 1077 TlsSetValue 97bc 1075 TlsFree 97ca 704 InterlockedIncrement 97d4 1004 SetLastError 97ec 486 GetLastError 97fc 700 InterlockedDecrement 980c 673 HeapFree 9824 1057 Sleep 9830 260 ExitProcess 9838 1000 SetHandleCount 9846 571 GetStdHandle 9858 471 GetFileType 9868 569 GetStartupInfoA 9876 190 DeleteCriticalSection 9888 330 FreeEnvironmentStringsA 98a0 447 GetEnvironmentStrings 98ba 331 FreeEnvironmentStringsW 98d2 1146 WideCharToMultiByte 98ec 449 GetEnvironmentStringsW 9902 671 HeapCreate 991c 672 HeapDestroy 992a 1111 VirtualFree 9938 852 QueryPerformanceCounter 9946 426 GetCurrentProcessId 9970 591 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 9986 751 LeaveCriticalSection 99a0 217 EnterCriticalSection 99b8 347 GetCPInfo 99d0 338 GetACP 99dc 531 GetOEMCP 99e6 731 IsValidCodePage 99f2 669 HeapAlloc 9a04 1108 VirtualAlloc 9a10 676 HeapReAlloc 9a20 1165 WriteFile 9a2e 1069 TerminateProcess 9a3a 425 GetCurrentProcess 9a4e 1086 UnhandledExceptionFilter 9a62 1045 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 9a7e 721 IsDebuggerPresent 9a9c 753 LoadLibraryA 9ab0 693 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 9ac0 914 RtlUnwind 9ae8 488 GetLocaleInfoA 9af4 573 GetStringTypeA 9b06 794 MultiByteToWideChar 9b18 Done dumping /home/nicolo/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/RA2/wsock32.dll --- nicolo@studio:~$ winedump -j export /home/nicolo/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/RA2/wsock32.dll Contents of /home/nicolo/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/RA2/wsock32.dll: 49664 bytes Exports table: Name: wsock32.dll Characteristics: 00000000 TimeDateStamp: 4837D947 Sat May 24 11:00:55 2008 Version: 0.00 Ordinal base: 1 # of functions: 1111 # of Names: 0 Addresses of functions: 00009B98 Addresses of name ordinals: 00000000 Addresses of names: 00000000 Entry Pt Ordn Name 0000AEA2 1 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.accept) 000012C0 2 <by ordinal> 0000AEB0 3 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.closesocket) 0000AEC3 4 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.connect) 0000AF0F 5 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.getpeername) 0000AF7A 6 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.getsockname) 00001000 7 <by ordinal> 00001310 8 <by ordinal> 00001320 9 <by ordinal> 0000AF8D 10 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.inet_addr) 0000AF9E 11 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.inet_ntoa) 0000AFAF 12 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.ioctlsocket) 0000AFC2 13 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.listen) 00001310 14 <by ordinal> 00001320 15 <by ordinal> 0000AFD0 16 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.recv) 00001090 17 <by ordinal> 0000AFDC 18 <by ordinal> (-> 0000AFEA 19 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.send) 00001330 20 <by ordinal> 00001070 21 <by ordinal> 0000AFF6 22 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.shutdown) 000013C0 23 <by ordinal> 0000AED2 51 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.gethostbyaddr) 0000AEE7 52 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.gethostbyname) 0000AF22 53 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.getprotobyname) 0000AF38 54 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.getprotobynumber) 0000AF50 55 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.getservbyname) 0000AF65 56 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.getservbyport) 0000AEFC 57 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.gethostname) 0000ADB2 101 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAAsyncSelect) 0000AD00 102 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr) 0000AD1D 103 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAAsyncGetHostByName) 0000AD58 104 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber) 0000AD3A 105 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAAsyncGetProtoByName) 0000AD95 106 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAAsyncGetServByPort) 0000AD78 107 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAAsyncGetServByName) 0000ADC8 108 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSACancelAsyncRequest) 0000AE40 109 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSASetBlockingHook) 0000AE71 110 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAUnhookBlockingHook) 0000AE14 111 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAGetLastError) 0000AE5A 112 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSASetLastError) 0000ADE5 113 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSACancelBlockingCall) 0000AE2B 114 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSAIsBlocking) 00001410 115 <by ordinal> 0000AE02 116 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.WSACleanup) 0000AE8E 151 <by ordinal> (-> ws2_32.__WSAFDIsSet) 00001170 1111 <by ordinal> Done dumping /home/nicolo/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/RA2/wsock32.dll