----------------------------------------------Update----------------------------------------- So i try installing d3dx9 using winetricks.... and the same thing din't work the game still the same i try installing d3dx10 using winetricks... same thing... so I uninstall those next i try the Registry... i went to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Wine -> Direct3D" and add "OffscreenRenderingMode" = "backbuffer" "VideoMemorySize" = "1024" and now I'm getting this error while loading the the missions.. [quote]Crash in application version: grpcrc1.35 Direct3D - Unknown capability violation exception. SCRIPT STACK data\lib\managers\viewportmanager.dsf(0) data\lib\setups\setup.dsf(0) data\levels\mission01\mission01.dsf(0)[/quote] thanks again...