Greeting folks -- 1) I have wow running fine in recent wine on a Gentoo system with Nvidia graphics card 2) No, I have never successfully gotten wow running in opengl on the lenovo (ibm) t400 I'm just trying to get it running: Lenovo is running FC13, with much stuff from updates-testing - the Lenovo is using the Intel GM945 chipset for video. I can get the game running in d3d mode with wine from updates-testing (or compiled from source from - with playable frame rates, but my preference, and stubborness, require that I get opengl mode working. When starting (either launcher/wow) with opengl (and or SET gxApi opengl) I have a failure immediately after getting zoned into the game (time frame is usually 5 or 6 seconds of runtime) The abort clearly comes from this section (from WINEDEBUG=+opengl) e:opengl:wine_glBindProgramARB (34820, 87) trace:opengl:wine_glBindTexture (3553, 512) trace:opengl:wine_glEnable (2896) trace:opengl:wine_glLightModelfv (2899, 0x33fb0c) trace:opengl:wine_glViewport (0, 0, 1440, 900) trace:opengl:wine_glDepthRange (0.000000, 1.000000) trace:opengl:wine_glVertexAttribPointerARB (0, 3, 5126, 1, 24, 0xc942020) trace:opengl:wine_glVertexAttribPointerARB (4, 4, 5121, 1, 24, 0xc94202c) trace:opengl:wine_glVertexAttribPointerARB (6, 2, 5126, 1, 24, 0xc942030) trace:opengl:wine_glDrawRangeElementsEXT (4, 0, 3, 6, 5123, 0xa1100f0) trace:opengl:wine_glMatrixMode (5889) trace:opengl:wine_glLoadMatrixf (0x33fc14) trace:opengl:wine_glLoadMatrixf (0x33fa88) trace:opengl:wine_glLoadMatrixf (0x33faf0) trace:opengl:wglSwapLayerBuffers (0x764, 00000001) trace:opengl:wine_glLoadMatrixf (0x33f7b4) trace:opengl:wine_glLoadMatrixf (0x33f804) trace:opengl:wine_glGenTextures (1, 0x53c8dab8) trace:opengl:wine_glBindTexture (3553, 3464) trace:opengl:wine_glTexParameteri (3553, 10240, 9729) trace:opengl:wine_glTexParameteri (3553, 10241, 9987) trace:opengl:wine_glTexParameteri (3553, 10242, 33071) trace:opengl:wine_glTexParameteri (3553, 10243, 33071) trace:opengl:wine_glTexParameteri (3553, 34046, 2) trace:opengl:wine_glTexParameteri (3553, 33085, 8) trace:opengl:wine_glPixelStorei (3314, 0) wine: Unhandled page fault on execute access to 0x00000000 at address (nil) (thread 004c), starting debugger... fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x198e380,0x198e980): stub fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x198e380,0x198e980): stub Unhandled exception: page fault on execute access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x00000000). Can anyone make a suggestion as to a) my next steps for debugging and b) what/where I should go next? (the error above is the exit point with -opengl for both the wine (1.3.7 from updates testing or 1.3.8 from source code) and **apparently** is an identical error on both code bases, and all 10 characters I have on wow. I've pushed the edge on Xorg, and video drivers on this machine ---- any other hints/suggestions would be greatly appreciated (and possibly will make this machine raid capable, which it most definitely is not in d3d mode.