Thanks for the suggestion Same problem: >From the Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001).txt file: Successfully launched MsiExec.... 23.11.2010 15:59:33 Chained install return code: 1603 Exit code was an error. Shutting down chained setup processing. Set Verbose logging for subsequent setup. >From the tasks file Action ended 15:59:33: InstallFiles. Return value 1603. Action ended 15:59:33: ExecuteAction. Return value 1603. 1: SetupDW could not open MSI log file: [1] 2: C:\users\fra\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt 3: 4: 5: 6: 1: " -d"C:\users\fra\Temp\DW3ec2.tmp" 2: C:\users\fra\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt 3: 4: 5: 6: 1: 2 2: C:\users\fra\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt 3: 4: 5: 6: 1: "Z:\home\fra\office\En\files\PFILES\COMMON\MSSHARED\DW\dw20.exe" -d"C:\users\fra\Temp\DW3ec2.tmp" 2: C:\users\fra\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt 3: 4: 5: 6: 1: "Z:\home\fra\office\En\files\PFILES\COMMON\MSSHARED\DW\dw20.exe" -d"C:\users\fra\Temp\DW3ec2.tmp" 2: C:\users\fra\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt 3: 4: 5: 6: François