Hi Again I forgot to show the check list of process during the Genie installation, it is in Spanish and I attempt to translate some lines to English: Instalando Componentes (Components installing): 1) Microsoft XML 6.0 Parser 2) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact 3) Desinstalar las versiones antiguas de Genie (Uninstalling Genie's old versiones) 4) Sistema de Adaptación de Oticon 5) Bloque de idiomas (Languages block) 6) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 7) Base de datos autónoma (Data base autonomous) 8) Actualizador de Genie (Genie's updating) 9) Copiando archivos adicionales (Copying Additional Files) The erros appear during the 6) line "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2" again thanks and regads Lorue :? :? :?