Chegz254 <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > >Hello. This thread is to help anyone having problems with using EPSXE psx emulator in WINE. > >EPSXE can work in WINE, only if you install directx in WINE. DirectX DOES exist in Wine. Maybe a function needed by this program is not there and will NEVER get fixed unless a bug report is filed. >WINE alone does not have directx installed with it but EPSXE requires directx to function. FALSE. Wine includes DirectX7, DirectX8, DirectX9. DirectX10 is being worked on. DirectX11 is being examined and work is expected to start soon. >You would need to install directx using any game which has "Install DirectX" or something similar. Please don't. This will break Wine in ways that are not recoverable except deleting the Wine Prefix where the program was installed and starting over with a new Wine Prefix. >The redist packages for directx found online will not be able to be opened using WINE. I do not exactly know why they do >not work, but if you know, tell me. They are not needed. You may need to install individual DirectX9 dll files, and we use winetricks for that purpose. Yes, the missing functions in those dll files are being worked on. > >When using EPSXE, use any of the OPENGL plugins to play games. Thus you do not need to add more DirectX functionality. You should try DirectX first, and if the video quality and playbility is poor, switch to OpenGL. Intel video cards have the poorest quality and nVidia cards the best. At least that is as of today, tomorrow may be different. James McKenzie