Hi there guyz, its my first post here cause i wanted to tell u how to make the game to work flawlessly: What have I done: #1 install libraries through winetricks Code: sh winetricks vcrun2005 vcrun2008 d3dx9 #2 get and install latest dxredist from dx website: Code: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=3b170b25-abab-4bc3-ae91-50ceb6d8fa8d #3 make bash script that cd to game dir before running like this: Code: #!/bin/sh cd "/media/hdd/Games/Worms Reloaded/" wine WormsReloaded.exe #4 Add shortcut to the bash script in games menu. U can use this icon: [Image: http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/6285/wormss.png ] The interesting thing is that game works fine on my notebook with GMA950 onboard graphics(only OpenGL 1.4 support) so this should work on all netbooks.