a brain fart. I didn't config wine with ispq9.msi Is that why it
wont open? What's the correct way to configure wine with an .msi I just
installed it and didn't configure it. Sorry.
On 8/25/2010 11:56 AM, Bob Benjamin wrote:
HI. Thanks. It installed with WMP9 but won't open. Error:
ispq9.exe has a serious error and must shut down. What's with this?
On 08/25/2010 07:49 AM, dimesio wrote:
Bob Benjamin wrote:
Hi guys. Have wine 1.3.1 installed and the bug
http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23935 was reported as fixed,
closed. So tried to install ispq9.msi and this is the output from the
Read the bug report. The app needs Windows Media Player. Install WMP9
first with winetricks, then install the msi with msiexec /i.
I just tested in 1.3.1; it works fine with WMP9 installed