cadiscol wrote:
Thank you James for your response. Unfortunately I got a new error message trying to install the java:
Download failed:
From=http://javadl-alt.sun .com/u/ESD6/JSCDL/jdk/6u21-b06/jre/jre.1.6.0_21-c-l-msi,
Once again thank you anyways...
Sorry that I was not specific, but I downloaded the full installation
package and installed from there. I don't know if what you are
attempting is supported, but it appears that the download to location is
not correct.
Maybe someone who has attempted this and succeeded can provide help.
I just reviewed the Sun Java JDK entry at the Applications Database and
there are no how-to hints or other items there. You can look for
yourself at:
I'll try to reproduce this error myself as well.
James McKenzie