WarKirby wrote: > Ok, reinstalled Civ. Not installed the expansions yet, going to see if we can get the base game working first. > > Log from starting it in console: > > > Code: > warkirby@magotek-alpha:/media/Drive X/Games/Sid Meier's Civilisation IV(LINUX)$ wine Civilization4.exe > fixme:service:QueryServiceObjectSecurity 0x1331f0 4 0x133760 0 0x32eeb8 - semi-stub > fixme:service:QueryServiceObjectSecurity 0x1331f0 4 0x133760 28 0x32eeb8 - semi-stub > fixme:advapi:SetEntriesInAclA 1 0x32ee48 0x133774 0x32eeb4 > fixme:service:SetServiceObjectSecurity 0x1331f0 4 0x32ee34 > fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 55 (SPI_SETMOUSEKEYS) > fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS) > fixme:cursor:CURSORICON_CreateIconFromANI Loading all frames for .ani cursors not implemented. > fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx (L"Z:\\media\\Drive X\\Games\\Sid Meier's Civilisation IV(LINUX)\\assets\\res\\fonts\\sylfaen.ttf", 0, (nil)): stub > > > > > The initial loading floater appears, but the engine never seems to initialise, and it terminates silently before the main menu comes up. > Any idea what's wrong here? it looks like a font issue now, so I tried installing Corefonts through winetricks, but that hasn't helped It's not the font; I get the same fixme, and Civ IV runs fine. There's nothing obvious in this console output. What graphics card and driver do you have?