Have just installed Wine, version wine.1.2-0.RC4.1pclos2010.i586,rpm.
Also did the Wine Gecko install, manually, as was suggested by pclos,
in accordance with the Wine Wiki page. All of this seems to work, and
I can get the Notepad to work, and to print, so it sort of looks like
Windows. But it seems to be installed on the E: drive--at least that's
where most everything defaults to. There's a C: and a Z: I can access
from the Wine command prompt.
The File Manager opens in the E: drive, and if there's a way to look
at a different "drive" I can't find it. Disk>Select Drive produces
"not yet implemented."
I can look at C: E: and Z: in the console, pardon me, command prompt.
I can do dir, I can md, on these.
The configurator shows:
A: /mnt/floppy
C: ../drive_c
D: /mnt/cdrom
E: /home/doug
Z: /
I cannot access A: or D:, even when there is software in those
actual drives (i.e., floppy and CD). Trying to access them
from the command prompt says "path not found."
I have printed and read the User Guide and the FAQ and I don't
see anything to help. Without the floppy or the CD, I can't install
anything at all. So now what?
Thanx in advance--
Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides.
--A.M. Greeley