Re: Wine 1.1.44 and WoW 3.3.5 crash

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Jim Hall wrote:
This is kind of strange. Mine is also Lenny, Nvidia 9600 GT, driver
Wine version is 1.1.42. Game works just fine. Wish I could tell you why.

Interesting as well.  Seems this appears with a certain combination of
One:  The lastest/greatest kernel beta build.
Two:  Wine 1.1.44 or higher.
Three:  The lack of a package built about a month ago.
Four:  nVidia video card drivers 256.35.  The older 195 drivers work.

However, I do stand by my statement to PLEASE look through the forum and
bugzilla BEFORE posting a 'me too' message.  This is highly irritating and
shows absolutely NO EFFORT on the part of the poster to try and get their
problem fixed.  Maybe this is the Microsoft mentality, but come on folks we
are volunteers and we would really love to fix bugs rather than answer the
same question for the fifth, tenth or even twentith time in a day (yes, it
was that bad...)

Maybe another sticky in is in for this problem....

James McKenzie

Sorry about the reply mix-up

However, mine seems to be a bit off on your list.

One: "The lastest/greatest kernel beta build." **Lenny is certainly not
that  - so I'm safe there.
Two: " Wine 1.1.44 or higher." **I never saw 1.1.44, Still using 1.1.42 - so
I'm safe there.
Three:  "The lack of a package built about a month ago." **I don't know
which package you're reffereing to, so I don't know if I have it or not.
Four:  "nVidia video card drivers 256.35.  The older 195 drivers work." **I
use 256.35. What is different about my system that I can use it?

Does any one of these prevent the problem? Is my One and Two the key, or is
Three alone the key? Does the combination of One, Two, and Three allow me to
do Four? I wish I had the answer.


I picked this up on a different thread and may only apply to Ubuntu:

dimesio wrote:

> ... be caused by not having installed the necessary 32 bit parts on a 64 bit system.

It was not the problem, we all have the 32 libs installed, it was just a bug with the package (apparently). With the 5th release lib32-nvidia-utils, it works >
Looks like Cr0k may have found one of many solutions....

James McKenzie

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