It always amazes me how lazy people can be in using a forum search tool
as well as people neglecting to give their system configuration when
asking questions concerning hardware issues.
In any case, my suggestion to you Altair is try running in an emulated
desktop. Go in to Wine configuration -> graphics tab -> click check box
next to emulate a virtual desktop -> input the screen resolution you
desire -> click apply then ok.
Playing in an emulated desktop was the only way I could get rid of the
graphic problems I was having. I am using an ATI 4350HD 512MB video card.
On 10-06-20 02:20 AM, Altair wrote:
I am using wine 1.1.44 with World of Warcraft, with this version I have only some graphics errors, like this:
the face is very dark
Using wine 1.2-rc4 I have these graphics errors:
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