Over the years Wine has made great progress. Lot of developers us to just do what ever would make X application work. Introduction of the no hacks rule has improved wine 10 fold. The Introduction of test cases having to exist to prove functions operation also has improved wine. Really some James McKenzie gets close to is that some of Wine issues these days is not coders. Its lack of pro documentation writers to be able to help coders who cannot document well. Ie not everyone can document simple fact of the matter yet they might be brilliant at finding solutions. Then there are the people who can document but can only barely code who fear joining the project out of fear of screwing up. How we address this. No clear idea. The issue is not as simple as more coders. More coders help. More documentation writers at this stage would give some large boosts. Also more testers who do report and work hand and hand with developers help. As I say there is something that everyone can do in wine that help progress. Basically more of all classes of people with critical on documentation writers at this time. Too many of one class really don't get us very far. Instead lead to many wasted man hours.