On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 12:00 -0500, MindGap wrote: > dimesio wrote: > > > > MindGap wrote: > > > > > > Aside some permission troubles, which are now solved, I was able to run this setup successfully in KDE using the "work path" field in launcher's properties. > > > The problem is that now I'm using gnome and there's no such field in launcher's properties. > > > > > > Could someone please enlight my path? > > > > > > > Write a shell script that cds to the correct directory and starts the program, and point the launcher at that. > > > Hi dimesio and thank you for your reply! > > >From your sugestion I realised it was possible to mount the network share, cd into it and launch wine from there. I tried that and it worked! > > Now I'm working on making the mount permanent and creating the script, which I confess is going to be a major pain in the *** because I've never made one before. > > I believe the script should be someting like this but i'm unsure of the correct syntax: > Try something like this: ================== start of my_exe_script ======================== #!/bin/bash # # If you're using a separate wine_prefix for this application # include the following line where .wine_my_exe is the prefix name # export WINEPREFIX="~/.wine_my_exe cd /mounted_share wine my_exe form_name db_login/db_pass@db_sid =================== end of my_exe_script ========================= After you've made the script, run the command "chmod u+x my_exe_script" to make it executable and try it out by typing "my_exe_script" on the command line. Then you can create a launcher that references your script, assign a suitable icon and you're done. In addition its a good idea to: 1) create a directory called 'bin' in your login directory 2) put the script there 3) edit .bash_profile adding the line: export PATH=.:$HOME/bin:$PATH 4) logout and login again This gives you a place, $HOME/bin , to put your script(s) in and includes it in your user's search path. Martin