Impossible. The first day WOTLK in shop in spain, many people write in spanish wow forum many problems to use the DVD, something was wrong when blizzard burns DVDs. In windows, many messages of data corrupted. Other people no problems in the installation. For me, the only possible installation method was copy all tome files, only one file every time, to hard disk, and then install. In these days, I am windows user only. For possible future problems, I copy all installation files in a private ftp server, in my house. Actually I no use windows. If I try to use the original DVD disk of WOTLK in Linux, I see only the DirectX files and the Installer.exe file. BUT ALL TOME FILES ARE MISSING [Shocked] If I open the DVD in some windows computer, I can see all the files. In the day I install wow under Linux, I use wine 1.0.0 for install WoW Classic and TBC, I copy all files in the hard disk and then install. No installation problems. BUT I cant use this version actually because WOTLK needs more recent version of wine.