Hello folks, First post here - hoping for some help. I'd really like to give BioShock 2 a go under Wine/Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit but I'm getting stumped early on. After selecting the installation language the InstallShield Wizard loads quickly then exits with the following error dialog: Code: Unhandled Exception ------------------------ Error Number: 0x80040703 Description: Failed to find DLL function: Shell32.IsUserAnAdmin Setup will now exit. I did some research and it seems that the function call: IsUserAnAdmin in Shell32.dll is not present in all versions of the DLL. The details were vague but I gathered that the versions included with XP and Vista were ok. Tried configuring Wine to run the installer under both XP and Vista profiles but no luck. I then tried overriding the libraries to run a native version of shell32.dll. Actually I tried several different versions but none of them will even allow the installer to run. So here I sit scratching my, er.... head. Any help would be greatly appreciated. tgeer