> I doubt it... thats some really weird site. > > How would I even try to? When i sign up and log in to play a game it just tries to load a "safeharborgames" weblink that the browser doesn't know what to do with. The exe I can download hitting downloads when I run it in Wine it just pops up a error box saying "access denied" > > I think you need to give more information on how the software works... and what it needs installed to work? is it .NET? etc... etc... > Here is what I got from a gentleman that works on the safeharborgames.net site > Admiral> What the installation software does is adds an entry to the registry that the browser uses so that the website is able to invoke the program from the browser. and then it saves the program files in the normal place ... c:\Program Files\SafeHarborGames ... etc. > > The registry is a windows thing, yes, but I would think that any windows emulator would also have to emulate the windows registry. If the install program itself has problems putting those registry keys in there, then the program can do it for you. Have them try to either click on the 'safe harbor games' icon that is put on the desktop during installation, or find the HarborGames.EXE file in the file system (under C:\Program Files) and double-click on that. That should bring up the web page, but also install the required registry keys so that entering a lobby will work. instead of, as he says, "it just tries to load a "safeharborgames" weblink that the browser doesn't know what to do with." that symptom - trying to load a safeharborgames weblink that the browser doesn't know what to do with ... is a sign that the registry keys were not installed properly during installation. >