Hi folks, I'm new to Wine and so far most things work great. However, I've installed SketchUp and I constantly have a white box under the cursor. It looks almost like the icon's transparency isn't working and the areas that should be transparent are white. I found an old thread in the Ubuntu forums where someone had the same issue, but I could not find a resolution there. There don't seem to be any bugs open to track this issue so I'm assuming that it's not too common. I also searched the forum here and didn't find anything. If someone knows of an existing thread please point me to it. My system settings are: wine-1.1.31, Ubunty 9.10 (Karmic Koala), video card ASUS EAH4850 using ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver. Wine is configured to run sketchup in XP mode and the problem persists if I use directX or not. Any help is greatly appreciated,