> I got that much, thanks... I tried re-installing openAL twice... using the .pkg installed as well as the macports install way.... they both didn't seem to work.... > > Would you happen to know how to install a 32-bit intel version? First things first: you're running on an Intel machine with Snow Leopard/10.6, correct? If not, what OS? Which version of Xcode do you have installed? I don't know if any of this has ever been established. If you've installed OpenAL supprot from the Creative-provided OpenAL_Installer_OSX.dmg... you may have killed your OpenAL framework. Can you install/reinstall the latest Xcode/developer tools that runs on your OS? As far as MacPorts, it's not affiliated with Wine in any way, but it doesn't appear that the "openal" port has a universal variant. You may be able to force install a 32-bit version, but if you have problems with this, you'll need to ping the MacPorts folks. This is essentially a "recursive force upgrade" that causes a 32-bit OpenAL (and all dependents) to be rebuilt; it may or may not work and may completely destroy your MacPorts packages: arch -i386 sudo port -Rfuv openal That's about all the MacPorts support we'll ever offer, I believe. Good luck.