Hey on this webpage does anybody knows what he means by "DirectX 3D"?: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManage...sion&iId=18283 > > Additional Comments > > - you need to use the winetricks to install DirectX 3D and the PhysX the game will crash if you do not > Does winetricks even work with Slackware? I thought it needed Debian packages or something. I installed PhysX the normal way, I just downloaded the .exe file and ran the installer with wine and that seems to work. But what is DirecX 3D? Does he mean Direct3D? Is it maybe just a group of dll files? Is there some way I can install whatever he is talking about without winetricks? What about patches and no-cd cracks? The game will not detect my DVD so I have to use a crack. But what if I upgrade my game to 1.03, the patch that came out very recently. Do I need to find a 1.03 no-cd crack or will the old no-cd crack work the same? (I notice upgrading to 1.03 mostly modifies other files but it also installs a new daorigins.exe that the no-cd patch is supposed to replace.) I just compiled wine 1.1.39 today and installed Dragon Age. I installed PhysX and the game starts even though I never install DirectX 3D. When I start to create a character it works okay at first but then when I get to the part where I can name him or make his features all things are blank. No sliders or name and character model disapears. I think that is the point where it writes a .ini file to your disk so I think it is not getting write accesss to my disk for some reason.