dimesio, that was a nice thing to do! Thanks for adding that line! It will help other beginners like me! Well, I'm very happy! Here is the bad commit: Code: debian:/home/zac/wine-git# git bisect bad 1a3551b630eae2418692f21790fcc7fc973f5366 is first bad commit commit 1a3551b630eae2418692f21790fcc7fc973f5366 Author: Dylan Smith <dylan.ah.smith@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon Feb 2 01:32:20 2009 -0500 richedit: Use width from EM_SETTARGETDEVICE for wrapping. The width for EM_SETTARGETDEVICE is used by some applications to set the wrapping width to a certain distance in twips. This can be used even though the target device is ignored. :040000 040000 efbf63783320529c2de51eefdbaa1bde15bb209f a237f70a5fff488280157b2876c2f44b223185e5 M dlls As James McKenzie pointed out, this MAY NOT be the bad commit. So, I ran the following commands suggested by him. Code: debian:/home/zac/wine-git# git reset --hard HEAD is now at 1a3551b richedit: Use width from EM_SETTARGETDEVICE for wrapping. Code: debian:/home/zac/wine-git# git show 1a3551b630eae2418692f21790fcc7fc973f5366 | patch -p1 -R patching file dlls/riched20/context.c patching file dlls/riched20/editor.c patching file dlls/riched20/editstr.h patching file dlls/riched20/tests/editor.c patching file dlls/riched20/wrap.c patching file dlls/riched32/tests/editor.c and... then, './configure && make depend && make' After that, I ran the program, and it worked!! It's better than it used to be in my older wine. I suppose I have finally found what the problem is, then! Would anyone like to post any comments, or add anything to this? I think I'm over now, and the commit should be posted into bugzilla, is that it? Thank you SO much for all your attention and help! You've been very helpful, and very kind! Thanks! Oh... actually, I have some other questions. Can I keep using this wine I compiled and install the other programs on it. I have removed my old wine, because I got confused in the beginning. I'd rather use this one now, while the problem doesn't get fixed. I'd like to configure it to recognize a mounted cd .iso image that I have in my disk, to run another software. How can I do this? I suppose I have to use the terminal, but I can't get to manual pages (I think they are not here, are they?). Well... I'm very thankful to all of you who helped me with this!! Thanks!! 8) Zac