vitamin wrote: > > You need only one or the other (registry or command line). However in both cases you doing it wrong. > > For registry ProxyServer should be in a form of "http=proxy.A.B.C:8080". > Thanks Vitamin for the correction, I've updated user.reg via regedit so it now looks like; [Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings] 1266984168 @="" "ProxyEnable"=dword:00000001 "ProxyServer"="http=proxy.A.B.C:8080" "User Agent"="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)" I've also updated winhttp by specifying the proxies explicitly as per the instructions in > wine proxycfg -p "http=http://proxy.A.B.C:8080 https=http://proxy.A.B.C:8080"; Microsoft (R) WinHTTP Default Proxy Configuration Tool Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Updated proxy settings Current WinHTTP proxy settings under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\ WinHttpSettings : Proxy Server(s) : http=http://proxy.A.B.C:8080 https=http://proxy.A.B.C:8080 Bypass List After doing the above changes I open a new xterm (http_proxy is not present) and run the command: > WINEPREFIX="/home/fred/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\SketchUp.exe" Again, if I select File -> 3D Warehouse -> Get Models and after a few seconds a window pops up with the error. "Could not connect to the 3D Warehouse. 2250" vitamin wrote: > > For command line: > - You use "env" only once specifying all variables you need to set > - Wine looks for http_proxy proxy only (no need for ftp_proxy). > > If still not sure if Wine uses proxy or not - enable "wininet" debug channel (WINEDEBUG=+wininet wine ...). > For good measure; > export http_proxy="proxy.A.B.C:8080" Drum roll.... > WINEPREFIX="/home/fred/.wine" WINEDEBUG=+wininet wine "C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\SketchUp.exe" &> /tmp/output.txt Again, same problem, cannot connect. In "output.txt" there is no reference to any proxy, please see below for a filtered version (cat output.txt | grep wininet > sketchup_debug.txt ). trace:wininet:DllMain 0x7e930000,1,0x1 trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 2 0x32fdc4 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (30000): STUB trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 5 0x32fdc4 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 30000 trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 6 0x32fdc4 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 30000 trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 3 0x32fdc4 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES 0 trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 2 0x32fc08 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (30000): STUB trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 5 0x32fc08 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 30000 trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 6 0x32fc08 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 30000 trace:wininet:InternetSetOptionW ((nil) 3 0x32fc08 4) trace:wininet:WININET_GetObject handle 0 -> (nil) fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES 0 trace:wininet:DllMain 0x7e930000,2,(nil) fixme:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW trace:wininet:InternetCrackUrlW (L""; 0 0 0x2ebcfe4) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:GetInternetSchemeW L"http" 4 trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW L"http" (4) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW L"" (14) trace:wininet:InternetCrackUrlW L"": scheme((null)) host(L"") path((null)) extra((null)) trace:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW host name : L"" trace:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW port: 80 trace:wininet:GetAddress L"" fixme:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW trace:wininet:InternetCrackUrlW (L""; 0 0 0x32f7b4) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:GetInternetSchemeW L"http" 4 trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW L"http" (4) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW L"" (14) trace:wininet:InternetCrackUrlW L"": scheme((null)) host(L"") path((null)) extra((null)) trace:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW host name : L"" trace:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW port: 80 trace:wininet:GetAddress L"" fixme:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW trace:wininet:InternetCrackUrlW (L""; 0 0 0x2ebcffc) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:GetInternetSchemeW L"http" 4 trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW L"http" (4) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW (null) (0) trace:wininet:SetUrlComponentValueW L"" (14) trace:wininet:InternetCrackUrlW L"": scheme((null)) host(L"") path((null)) extra((null)) trace:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW host name : L"" trace:wininet:InternetCheckConnectionW port: 80 trace:wininet:GetAddress L"" trace:wininet:DllMain 0x7e930000,0,0x1 Thanks again for the help. RRW