hehe sorry for all the mess... got it to work im probably the only one who needs such a detailed step-by-step but here it is anyways: this is how i got stalker to work on my fedora 12 prerequisites: you need these (just paste and rum it will tell you what you ahve and what is needed): # yum install git xorg-x11-proto-devel arts-devel audiofile-devel bison cups-devel cyrus-sasl-devel e2fsprogs-devel esound-devel expat-devel flex fontconfig-devel freetype-devel gcc glib2-devel gphoto2-devel isdn4k-utils-devel krb5-devel libao-devel libjpeg-devel libmng-devel libogg-devel libpng-devel libusb-devel libvorbis-devel libxml-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel ncurses-devel openldap-devel openssl-devel pkgconfig qt-devel sane-backends-devel zlib-devel rpm-build libXcomposite libXcomposite-devel dbus-devel hal-devel lcms-devel gsm-devel mpg123 openal-soft openal-soft-devel then go to website: http://atrpms.net/dist/f12/mpg123/ and download the latest mpg123 and mpg123-devel pckage and install them (double click it) programs that should be already installed: * bison * flex * prelink programs that should'nt be installed: * valgrind * fontforge see more: http://wiki.winehq.org/Recommended_Packages Install using the source code: download desired version current recommended: 1.1.37 extract source to /usr/lib/<app_name> and run the following: # ./configure # make depend # make # su # make install fixing audio of wine #yum install wine-oss make sure you run winecfg and unselect pulseaudio and select oss now install: # sudo mount ~/Download/STALKER\ Call\ Of\ Pripyat-Razor1911/rzr-stcp.iso /media/cdrom -o loop # ln -s /media/cdrom /home/sean.noy/.wine/dosdevices/m: install game - this will take time, do not cancel even if looks stuck # wine path_to_setup.exe # cd installation_folder copy the crack fix (currently on desktop) launch the game: # env WINEDEBUG=-all WINEPREFIX=/home/sean.noy/.wine wine "./bin/xrEngine.exe" no winetricks and no other configs were needed