Erich Hoover in the appdb has come up with the solution to this problem. The problem originally was that I could not get Borderlands to patch from the retail DVD version to 1.20 and that I could not get DLC1 to work. Indeed both the patch and DLC1 would install just fine but when the game ran there was no Zombie Island and the gamespy feature would ask me to patch the game and that if I did it in game nothing would happen. Tip: Once you have gotten DLC1 to install you will be greeted with a message when running Borderlands the game saying that a new area called Zombie Island (?) is available in the game. This happens somewhere around the 2K and Gearbox and before the main menu allowing you to select to start a new game etc. This is the copy/paste of Erich's solution and then I'll give my own version below. > > Subject: RE: Borderlands multiplayer and DC1 not working for me. > > You might be having a similar problem to something I encountered, where the > patch is finding the wrong game folder from the registry. discovered that the > game's registry key was incorrect. If I remember correctly the key to edit in > the registry is: > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Gearbox Software\Borderlands\InstallFolder] > > You'll probably find that it points to (if you installed to the default folder): > C:\Program Files\2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands\Binaries > > Just remove the "\Binaries" from the end of the string. It should read (default > install folder): > C:\Program Files\2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands > > Once you've done this then re-run the patch installer. > To begin I ran regedit from terminal which will open up Wine Registry Editor. Then where the Registry Editor tree is I selected My Computer > HKey_Local_Machine > Software > Gearbox Software > Borderlands There are a few entries in here for Name, Type and Data. The one I wanted was Install Folder for Name. I right clicked it, select modify and changed the Data to C:\Program Files\2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands I then clicked Ok and closed Registry Editor (Registry Editor automatically saves the moment you make a modification). I then followed the steps given to me by Gearbox which I'll paste below. > > Thank you for buying "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - Zombies on Pandora!" from > Gearbox Software. We hope you enjoy! Make sure to save this email. > > Here is your product key to activate once your download is complete and you > begin to install: > XXXXX > > "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - Zombies on Pandora!" will only work on your copy > of Borderlands. If you want to play "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - Zombies on > Pandora!" with your friends, send them this link: > > > To download "The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - Zombies on Pandora!" later, use this > link: > > > Versions 1.10 or later of Borderlands is required for this bonus content. > Download the latest update for International releases of Borderlands: > > > For support, visit: > > > Thanks! > Gearbox Software > After following those directions and successfully installing both the 1.20 patch (Note I don't believe and past patches are required before installing 1.20) and then after installing DLC1. I then went through my steps to run Borderlands in my case using the script in my previous post which has lead to where I am now which is a patched version of Borderlands and DLC1 Zombie Island. I'd like to thank everyone here and Erich for helping me with this problem.[/quote]