InterestedParty wrote: > Hye I been getting the follow error with too many applications now. Half of the programs I try to run spew that error at me while they are said to work perfectly fine with wine. > [Image: ] > I've installed the visual c++ applications from winetrick (or so it should have). Please help There was an update to the VC2005Redist that seems to be causing headaches on both sides of the fence. You might need to make a new clean .wine prefix for it(version 8.0.50727.4053) to install correctly , at least I had to which is always fun. This is a requirement of Bioshock 2 to launch , so if you're trying to get Bio2 to play nice you'll need this vc 2005 redist version. I haven't tested it yet since I don't feel like installing the game for the 3rd time atm. :) DL's and info