Ok i've done it! :) Here a complete discription of how it is done: (Just to be clear what this does: it remaps the keyboard layout inside of X11 to mimic the windows keyboard layout on a mac keyboard, if you use X11 for something else other then wine it may not be wise to do this! You are warned!) open x11 and goto preferences on input tab check "Follow system keyboard layout" close preferences with x11 as the acvite app press command+N this will open an xterm window type the following and press ENTER (this will create an .Xmodmap file, if you already have one it will be overwritten!): xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap then type the following en press Enter to open the file for editing: open -e ~/.Xmodmap then change the following keycodes: keycode 63 = Control_L keycode 66 = Meta_L keycode 67 = Control_L open the x11 preferences on input tab uncheck "Follow system keyboard layout" and uncheck "Enable key equivalents under X11" close and restart X11