Huhu, I tried to run Warcraft III with Wine. First it crashed, then I read about the video issue and renamed all the movie files. Then I started the game but got bad video and/or mouse lag. There is a description about this problem, but I can't find the registry-import file...? I am using Ubuntu Karmic Koala. Till yet I didn't try about Gothic II, will report if I run into any problems. I also read that it is recommended to install the applications with Wine and not to use the installation made at windows. I tried to install WC3 ROC via the blizzard installer (downloaded WC3 legally (!) before (CD key required for that one)), but I get an error message (translated into english): The file "Z:\usr\games\Warcraft III.temp\" couldn't be created. If the problem consists any further please contact the customer service of Blizzard. (InstallerFile::Create) After that one: The folder "Z:\usr\games\Warcraft III.temp" couldn't be deleted. (ConflictManager::UncreateObjects) Original geman error messages: Die Datei "Z:\usr\games\Warcraft III.temp\" konnte nicht erstellt werden. Sollte das Problem fortbestehen, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Technischen Support von Blizzard. (InstallerFile::Create) Danach: Der Ordner "Z:\usr\games\Warcraft III.temp" konnte nicht gelöscht werden. (ConflictManager::UncreateObjects) I am also really new to Ubuntu/Linux, so don't be surprised by any noob mistakes. I am using the Wine version which came with karmic koala (software center says: Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu8(wine) I am also going to play via, see the article. I somehow need to compile a part of Wine by myself, but I don't have any clue hwo to do this.