Trying to install Fallout3 and I get this: Last login: Sun Jan 17 16:05:20 on ttys000 ryan-griders-macbook-pro:~ griderryan$ cd /Volumes/Fallout\ 3/ ryan-griders-macbook-pro:Fallout 3 griderryan$ ls DXREDIST autorun.inf readme.txt Fallout3.ico bin setup.exe FalloutLauncher.exe setup.ibt G4WL data1.hdr setup.ini MainTitle.wav setup.inx Screenshots setup.isn Setup.bmp layout.bin ryan-griders-macbook-pro:Fallout 3 griderryan$ wine $setup.exe wine: Module not found ryan-griders-macbook-pro:Fallout 3 griderryan$ Am I doing it wrong? Am I missing something? Am I trying the wrong file? All I know is that I'm still very new to all of this and I've been trying to play this game for over a month now. Any help is appreciated but please keep it in layman's terms.