I clicked on Send by hazard, I thought I could edit my posts. Anyway, download finished, it's installing wine1.2 (which I didn't want! Why can't I install wine 1.1.35?!?) and now it's finished. I'm done with wine. I follow this guide, too: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2459 so now I am downloading/installing winetricks by writing in terminal Code: wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks Done. Now I'm doing this: Code: sh winetricks corefonts gdiplus gecko tahoma It took a bit, now it's done. I had too click on a "Ok" window that said everything was alright. Then it says: 4. navigate to your AutoCAD 2004 CD and run Code: wine setup.exe Ok, let's do it. Installation window starts. NICE! Registering: I uninstalled my wine. I'm installing wine-1.1.5 and -dev for hardy heron deb package, found here in the site. It's nearly 8MB so it's taking a while. In the meanwhile I managed myself to download "shwapi.dll" but it's only 36KB big, while it said to must be 462.5KB. Ok found another good file. Done! Double click on the first .deb file. Done all two. Now this: Code: sh winetricks gecko All done, no errors. run Code: winecfg went on a bit of steps. I'm uninstalling wine 1.1.5 and installing the newest one. But before, I'm going to eat dinner :-)