Hi! I'm quite new to this so bear with me for a moment before bashing me for not fixing this myself. I can make no progress using the search function as I have no idea what to search for [Embarassed] I'm trying to run a simple (I think) application under Wine that is called WinMSS. It is a scoring software for shooting competitions, and as far as i can figure out, it is built as a MS Access application. According to the manual, these are the necessary files: WinMSS.exe WinMSS.mdb WinMSS.mdw WinMSS.hlp WinMSS.cnt SqlUpdate.mdb The installation runs fine, I've installed the latest MDAC, but upon startup get the following error messages: "Provider can not be found. It may not be properly installed" After which follows: "Critical Error: Wrong version of database detected. Version expected, but found version Pre-Beta" And then nothing... :( Any suggestions or hints?