More possibly diagnostic info for anyone still interested in this problem: 1. On the chance that 'filemaker pro 9.msi' wanted Windows Installer but couldn't find it, I made sure that WI 2 was in both Windows/Installer and /system32. When I then double-clicked on 'filemaker pro 9.msi', something happened! I got a Windows Installer msg saying "Incorrect command line parameters". 2. On my Linux box I can't read the setup.ini file on the CD for some reason. On a Windows machine I opened it in Notepad and got the product code and package code listed in setup.ini. I notice that msiexec has an option msiexec {package|productcode} [property] but I don't understand how to read this. Does it mean literally put the package and product codes between curly brackets with a pipe between? And what is '[property]'?