Hello look, here a screen shot of my winecfg, this is the Chinese Language Level 3 cd, and when I start Rosetta Stone it will find it. [Image: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5929/winecfgrosettacd.jpg ] So you open your terminal and you type in "winecfg" and you press enter. then you should see the same window as the picture, you probably will have to got to the "Drives" tab. Once you are on the same tab as the picture just click the "Add..." button, now choose a drive letter, I did choose "D:", and in the path type the full length of the cd. as you can see the Chinese language level 3 is for me "/media/Chinese_MA_3". Now just press on "Apply" and you can press then on "OK" and you start Rosetta Stone, if you now go to the Add language section it will recognise the CD. I hope you get it to work :).