On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 21:04 -0600, fachamix wrote: > I did it, I tried those dirvers, but they suck with the FX series. > the printting is slow (2 or 3 passes per line), and the quality is > really crappy > That sounds like its using graphics mode for all printing. IIRC the the 'high quality' MX graphics mode used multiple passes and was slow. The print quality from a 9 pin printer was never good in any mode because of the wide dot spacing. Unlike the 24 pin printers, there was no overlap between dots. The multiple graphics passes was an attempt to get overlap by moving the paper very slightly between passes. > have anyone use DDIWRAPPER ,..... it suppouse to wrap printer drivers > of windows to use them in linux. > That may not help much. Back when MX and FX printers were state of the art there was no such thing as a Windows printer driver. All programs had their own drivers and IIRC that situation continued into Windows 3. ISTR printer drivers appeared around the time that Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95 were released. All Windows printer drivers use graphics mode so I'd expect them to be slow. They have to use graphics mode because that's the only way they can use proportional spacing and other typefaces and sizes that aren't hard-wired into the printer. CUPS does the same for exactly the same reasons. Martin