On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 07:17 -0600, petecorbs wrote: > Hi > I am pretty new to Linux could you give a bit more of a detailed tutorial ive tried the code in my command line changing the username to my own but i get the error /mnt/users doesnt exist. > Three suggestions: - bookmark or download the HOWTOs at the Linux Documentation Project, http://www.tldp.org/ and read the relevant one(s) for what you're doing. - get a copy of 'Linux in a Nutshell' or a similar book. All the O'Reilly books are pretty good [1] - get familiar with the 'man', 'apropos', 'info' and 'whatis' commands. man and info tell you how to use specific commands while aprops and whatis help you find commands that do what you need. "man man" tells you how to use the man command to read manpages. These days you can do a lot using only the Linux desktop but if you also know how to use the command line you can do a helluva lot more and often do it faster too. Martin